Implementing iPod wheel style scrubbing gesture with the new Siri Remote

I am trying to implement the new iPod wheel style scrubbing gesture that was recently added to AVPlayerController on my custom Player UI built on top of AVPlayer .

I can not find any new API reporting this kind of gestures from the remote control, is there some API that I am missing that is actually reporting these gestures?

Otherwise, how would you recommend to implement something like that? Should I use the GameController SDK in order to get the actual position of the user's finger?

Hi there,

You need to use AVPlayerController for that gesture, you’ll get it for free alongside the new redesigned and improved player. AVPlayerController has a bunch of new APIs to allow for greater customization, check out this session for more information: Deliver a great playback experience on tvOS.

Implementing iPod wheel style scrubbing gesture with the new Siri Remote