SwiftUI support for LargeContentViewer

I see that many accessibility features have been added to the SwiftUI API, but I am unable to find support for LargeContentViewer on custom views.

Is it perhaps going by a different name? Is it really not supported yet in the latest SwiftUI implementation?


I don't know specifically about LargeContentViewer SwiftUI support. However, I would check out the SwiftUI Accessibility: Beyond the Basics Session scheduled for tomorrow June 9th to get insight on added accessibility features

  • I plan on watching that and all the videos (I am such a nerd). I was going through the documentation that was released yesterday but did not see anything that aligned with the LargeContentViewer features. I do see when building a test app that the LargeContentViewer is definitely a think in SwiftUI because TabView uses it as expected.

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I watched the SwiftUI Accessibility: Beyond the Basics session and like what I saw, but it did not address my question regarding support for LargeContentViewer on custom views.

I have a scenario in one of the apps I am working on - actually trying to decide to do the whole thing in SwiftUI or stick with UIKit for now - that requires some views that cannot change size. Am going through a checklist of components and accessibility features that I feel are must have to aid in my SwiftUI vs UIKit decision.