ScreenTime API on non-Family Sharing Devices

Hello, thank you for building a Screen Time API.

In my reading of of the API, it seems that all components rely on Family Controls, which require a parent to authorize on a child's device.

Will Screen Time API work in contexts where there are no children's devices? Can an individual authorize Family Controls on their own phone?

Here is a use case: Imagine a user who wants to restrict access to certain apps until they have worked out for 30 minutes a day. We would use Device Activity and Managed Settings to effectuate this app.

Answered by KnolanNose in 677763022

Requesting authorization via FamilyControls is a requirement to access most of the ManagedSettings API and the entirety of the DeviceActivity API. An app running on a device can only successfully request FamilyControls authorization when the currently signed in account is a child in a Family Sharing circle.

Accepted Answer

Requesting authorization via FamilyControls is a requirement to access most of the ManagedSettings API and the entirety of the DeviceActivity API. An app running on a device can only successfully request FamilyControls authorization when the currently signed in account is a child in a Family Sharing circle.


To summarize it, is that correct that Screen Time API can only be used for apps that deal with a child-parent relationship?

In other words, if people want to build an app that helps people manage distractions (ex. disable social media between 8 am - 6 PM), that is impossible?

If it is impossible, could this use-case be supported?

Also what if we want to allow a parent to give their own device to a child to use - this is relevent for younger child that often dont have their own device - but a parent wants to let them play some games for a short time - the rest of the api would allow a nice setup of just a few acessible apps.

I was so excited to discover that there was a Screen Time API in iOS 15 - it was the feature I was most hoping for more than any other, chiefly to let me set limits on my own usage (e.g. block social media apps during work hours). Unfortunately, we are now learning that it is currently for developing parent-child monitoring experiences, and fails to tackle the issue of adult over-usage, which is just as valid a use case. In my mind, Apple should be offering tools like this:

I absolutely love the idea of setting personal app limits like the example mentioned in the article, where you choose to only be able to access Twitter, after you have meditated for 10 minutes and worked out that day. These are the kind of features that a Screen Time API should be enabling.

Oh now I see why I didn’t have any luck with DeviceActivity framework until now. That’s sad, would be very cool and useful to have it work withou family stuff too. I can imagine many usecases. Hopefully they’ll change their mind.

Definitely. This requirement is the biggest disappointment of WWDC for me. I was very excited to build using this API, but it turns out that none of my ideas are possible.

Indeed it is disappointing that this is limited to parental controls. There are so many important use cases to address outside of the parent-child relationship.

Even without access to the details of the activity, having some activity or just screen-time information would allow for building helpful tools in a wide range of contexts.

ScreenTime API on non-Family Sharing Devices