I have issue. I'd like to place attachment (like on attached picture; it's Notes on iOS) in UITextView. I tried use NSTextAttachment, but on iOS I couldn't use NSTextAttachmentCell. I'd like to attachment will be part of text. I've tried use exclusion paths, but custom view wasn't be a part of text. Thank you.
Attachment in UITextView
If you want to add inside the text, you should use attributedString and NSTextAttachment:
See example here: https : / / w w w.hackingwithswift. com/example-code/system/how-to-insert-images-into-an-attributed-string-with-nstextattachment
Can I make something like 'cell', which will be shows attachment like on attached image?
So, that's not a question about UITextView.
To get this, just define a custom cell. In its nib, you will position label(s) and image, at the exact position you wish.
Ok, I understand. I’ve thought about it, but can I place .xib into UITextView?
No, you can't and that does not make much sense. Where would it be inside the text ? Do not insert the xib, but just an imageView: What you can do:
- embed UITextView in a UIView (or a stackView)
- insert imageView inside this UIView.
- set constraints to position as you want
You can only place image based attachments in UITextView. These aren't interactive.
If you do want interactivity, you need to:
- create a placeholder attachment with the right size
- track that size and location
- add a view to the textview to handle your interactive attachment, keeping the size and location of the view in sync with the attachment
- update the view's location (and size) when the text changes, and make sure to delete the view when the attachment is deleted