Is it okay if an iOS app allows extra functionality using a Shortcut?


I'm building an utility app that performs various tasks. Some of the tasks require a small Shortcut to be installed. The app will invoke the main Shortcuts app when the installed shortcut is needed.

My question is: Can I be rejected because some of the functionality is provided by the (untrusted) Shortcut downloaded via iCloud link?

Bear in mind that the user has to:
  • Have the Shortcuts app installed (most of people have it on their device already)

  • Has to run at least one shortcut from the Gallery

  • Has to enable untrusted shortcuts in the Settings app

  • Has to download the helper-shortcut via iCloud link

The app can operate without this shortcut, but with it... would perform some of the tasks so much better.

All of these: iCloud shortcut sharing, the Shortcuts app are tools created and recommended by Apple. Still, I don't know if I'm allowed to use my app & a custom-coded-shortcut working together.

I've seen other (approved) apps in the AppStore that use Shortcuts but I'm not sure if there's a specific rule that prohibits App & custom (untrusted) Shortcuts interoperability.

Let me know what you think. Thanks!
Is it okay if an iOS app allows extra functionality using a Shortcut?