

What certificates do I need for macOS development and distribution (not interested in iOS). Everytime I have to renew the damn thing I have forgotten what is required and what I need to do.

OK, so after a bit of DuckDuckGo-ing it seems that the only certificates I need are:-
  1. Mac Development

  2. Developer ID Application

I no longer do iOS and I have no intention, and never will, of selling through the Apple Apps Store. So does that mean that I can delete all the other stuff I've acquired over the years?


What certificates do I need for macOS development and distribution

That depends on your distribution vehicle. For the Mac App Store you need:
  • Apple Development: TTT (or the older Mac Developer: TTT) for day-to-day development

  • 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: TTT for signing the installer package you submit to App Store Connect

  • 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: TTT for signing the code inside that installer package

For independent distributing, using Developer ID, you need:
  • Apple Development: TTT (or the older Mac Developer: TTT) for day-to-day development

  • Developer ID Application: TTT for signing your code

  • Developer ID Installer: TTT for signing any installer packages you use

In all cases TTT identifies your team.

So does that mean that I can delete all the other stuff I've acquired
over the years?

The only thing you have to be careful with here is Developer ID signing identities; these are precious, as I explain in this post.

Everything else you can regenerate at will, so deleting them isn’t a big deal.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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