Hi, I am trying to create a function that when passed a URL containing a JSON file and a list of names, it returns me some structure.
I have created (with help) the function that returns all the values of the JSON without problem, but I am having problems filtering them and only returning those that are in the array.
This is what I use for the function that returns all data:
And this is the function that I have created to return certain values but I get an error and I don't know if it is well handled.
Surely there is a more efficient way to find the value of the array in the json but that was the only thing that occurred to me.
This function, I use it to create a table with the structure.
Any help is welcome, thank you!
I have created (with help) the function that returns all the values of the JSON without problem, but I am having problems filtering them and only returning those that are in the array.
Code Block let urlString = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users" let arrayInput = ["Leanne Graham", "Nicholas Runolfsdottir V"]
This is what I use for the function that returns all data:
Code Block struct WelcomeElement: Codable { let name: String? let username: String? let email: String? } typealias Datos = [WelcomeElement] class UserItems { var purchases = [WelcomeElement]() func loadData(urlString: String, completion: @escaping (Datos) -> Void) { let url = URL(string: urlString)! URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, _, error in if let error = error as NSError?, error.domain == NSURLErrorDomain, error.code == NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet { print("Not connected") } do { let items = try JSONDecoder().decode([WelcomeElement].self, from: data!) self.purchases = items completion(items) } catch { print(error) } }.resume() } }
And this is the function that I have created to return certain values but I get an error and I don't know if it is well handled.
Code Block class UserItems { var purchases = [WelcomeElement]() var purchases_new = [WelcomeElement]() func loadData(urlString: String, arrayInput: Array<String>, completion: @escaping (Datos) -> Void) { let url = URL(string: urlString)! URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, _, error in if let error = error as NSError?, error.domain == NSURLErrorDomain, error.code == NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet { print("Not connected") } do { let items = try JSONDecoder().decode([WelcomeElement].self, from: data!) for position in 0...items.count-1 { for a in arrayInput { if a == items[position].name { print(items[position]) self.purchases_new = items[position] // Cannot assign value of type 'WelcomeElement' to type '[WelcomeElement]' } } } self.purchases_new = items completion(items) } catch { print(error) } }.resume() } }
Surely there is a more efficient way to find the value of the array in the json but that was the only thing that occurred to me.
This function, I use it to create a table with the structure.
Any help is welcome, thank you!
You need to append the element to the array.
At line 9, if not connected, you should exit:
After line 17, you should break: no need to continue searching (if I understood well your code).
line 21:
That will crash the array you have just built. Why do you do this ?
You can also simplify greatly your code by replacing:
Code Block self.purchases_new = items[position] // Cannot assign value of type 'WelcomeElement' to type '[WelcomeElement]'
byCode Block self.purchases_new.append(items[position])
At line 9, if not connected, you should exit:
Code Block print("Not connected") return
After line 17, you should break: no need to continue searching (if I understood well your code).
line 21:
Code Block self.purchases_new = items
That will crash the array you have just built. Why do you do this ?
You can also simplify greatly your code by replacing:
Code Block for position in 0...items.count-1 { for a in arrayInput { if a == items[position].name { purchases_new.append(items[position]) break } } }
Code Block purchases_new = items.filter() { arrayInput.contains($0.name)}