Code Block export dir1="Foo/one/" export dir2="Foo/two/" alias showdir='echo "dir name: " $1'
When the alias is entered it works like I would expect:
Code Block dale: showdir dir1 dir name: dir1 dale: showdir dir2 dir name: dir2 dale:
What I want instead is:
Code Block dale: showdir dir1 dir name: Foo/one/ dale: showdir dir2 dir name: Foo/two/ dale:
I have done a lot of searching and tried all sorts of character combinations to get the variable to expend in the echo alise and nothings seems to work.
Maybe I need a function? I have tried a few variations of functions too and I still have the same issue. The environmental verible name, when passed in, can't be expended to its defiintion.
I am missing something simple or is this really as hard as it seems?