Call Directory Extension never loads in iOS 14.5.1


I'm implementing CallKit and a Call Directory Extension to block specific numbers however I have read in some questions that iOS 14.5 doesn't load the extension initially however after 30 seconds it does.

I am not seeing this behaviour and my extension never loads, even after 30 seconds and subsequent calls.

I've verified the extension name so that's not the issue, I think.

Running CXCallDirectoryManager.sharedInstance.getEnabledStatusForExtension on first app launch and on a button tap produces no status. I've checked in the Phone settings and I can't see Call Blocking option so it's like the extension isn't even being initialised.

Answered by MikesTooLz in 675436022
try going to privacy settings and then turn off the setting to allow apps to ask permission to track you, then turn on the option to allow apps to ask to track you.

This worked for me and the call blocking section showed up right away. However I still am unable to get any apps to present a call screen and ring my phone after they screen a call. (robokiller/callhero)
Accepted Answer
try going to privacy settings and then turn off the setting to allow apps to ask permission to track you, then turn on the option to allow apps to ask to track you.

This worked for me and the call blocking section showed up right away. However I still am unable to get any apps to present a call screen and ring my phone after they screen a call. (robokiller/callhero)
Call Directory Extension never loads in iOS 14.5.1