About Bringing New Apps and Users into Your Team (receive Sign in with Apple users)

About Bringing New Apps and Users into Your Team (Receive Sign in with Apple users and associated apps from another team)

  1. We would like to know the step for "Bringing New Apps and Users into Your Team" step according to the link,

Do we need to fix after we have transferred to the new development team ?, Is there a possibility that we could test it before the process is complete and how to we can test the "Login Sign In" process of the new development?

2. In "client_secret" in section "Exchange Identifiers"

POST /auth/usermigrationinfo HTTP/1.1
Host: appleid.apple.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}


we should use "authen_key.p8 / key_id / team id" file by the new or the old development team?

3. In "Confirm the Transferred Credential State" section

// Specify the current user identifier here.
request.user = "User Identifier"

What would happen if there are no placed codes? Because the app does not save "User Identifier".
And should we use the new or the old of the "User Identifier" in case we should do so?
