Use SF font to build custom sign in with apple button

It's not clear if I can use the San Francisco font to build a custom "sign in with apple" button. I want to build a custom button - following the human interface guidelines - but to do so, I would have to use Apple's SF font. But as far as I could find, the SF font is prohibited from being used in projects that are not mockups or sketchs. How can I build a visually custom Sign In with Apple button without using Apple's font?


There appears to be confusion about using the San Francisco Font. The restriction about only being able to use SF font for mockups is if you download the font yourself. Apple says you should not do this for native app development as Apple doesn't license their fonts for download so you can include a copy in your application. However, Apple actively encourages developers to use SF font in their apps by using system APIs.

For your application, use the system font APIs, and you will get San Francisco font. This will work for all your Apple ecosystem devices (iphone, ipad, apple watch, apple tv, Macintosh, etc.) as Apple has standardized San Francisco as system font across their product line.

For example, see UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: ) or UIFont.preferredFont(style:)

For your website, there are tags for browsers that allow you to specify system font.

"You can access system fonts in a standards-compliant way by utilizing the system-ui family. And in Safari 13.1 we introduced new standards-based keywords to access serif, monospace, and rounded forms."

Doug Hill