iOS 14.5: hyperlink previews not shown in Messages app on iPhone and macBook.

iOS 14.5: hyperlink previews not shown in Messages app on iPhone and macBook.

When we try to type or paste any hyperlink in the messages app, only the link is shown there. The preview is not shown for any link typed or pasted in the messages app.
This non appearance of link preview in the messages app, occurs on all Apple devices: iPhone, MacBook, and iPad.
There are many other users known to me who are facing the same problem and they are also unable to view the link previews in the messages app. However the preview for the same link is shown in other non apple messaging apps like WhatsApp, which proves that the issue is not with the website for which preview is expected. Instead the issue is in the iOS and macOS messages app. This needs to be rectified.
iOS 14.5: hyperlink previews not shown in Messages app on iPhone and macBook.