Toggle "Open using Rosetta' via Terminal

Could you please give a hint whether there is an option to toggle "Open using Rosetta" for a specific application (in my case it is Xcode) via Terminal ?
From what I could see so far, this option doesn't belong to extended file attributes..
Answered by floam in 670802022
Okay, see the "Architectures for arm64" dict inside the plist file I mentioned.
I believe LaunchServices is keeping track. So there will be some clues either in sudo /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -dump output and/or entries in ~/Library/Preferences/
Accepted Answer
Okay, see the "Architectures for arm64" dict inside the plist file I mentioned.
Thank you!
Did you manage to change the architecture via command line?

Did you manage to change it via commandline? Please post the command here if you succeeded.

Toggle "Open using Rosetta' via Terminal