How do I associate a custom file type with a Catalyst app?

I'm trying to associate a custom file type and extension with my Mac Catalyst app.

On the Mac, I can get this to work by adding the following key/values to my Info.plist:

Code Block

Code Block

Once I've modified the Info.plist, sometimes I have to build my app in Xcode and then drag the product to the Applications directory before launchd will associate the file type correctly.

Once I do this, my app appears in the "Open with..." menu.
However, the steps do not appear to work for a Catalyst target. If you look at the Twitter thread that I linked to before, it suggested that the Applications folder trick worked at one point, but I have had no luck getting it to work in Big Sur (I'm running 11.2.3).

I've created a sample repo (including a couple of sample files) that you can try this out with so a tester can avoid the process of creating the targets. There is nothing here except for a "Hello, world!" app with the Info.plist set up as described above, with a macOS native target and a Catalyst target. (Remember the hint about dragging to Applications):


To get an “Open with...” item in Catalyst apps, you must set LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace to true in your Info.plist.