Use Playground Author Template?

Should we use an Author Template, or the regular Swift Playground Template?

Hey!, I've downloaded from:

This file is an Xcode project, where you can build your playground, however this template seems rather advanced, shall we use this template if we prefer for the challenge, or is the goal to stick to a more basic template such as the one found in the Swift Playground App?
Answered by dudamello in 670138022
A lot of people use the author template, however it's more complicated to understand how it works. You can always use the regular swift playground template!
Accepted Answer
A lot of people use the author template, however it's more complicated to understand how it works. You can always use the regular swift playground template!
Accepted Answer
If you wanted to create a playgroundbook with multiple pages then you would need to go for the template and it isnt quite complex, you could perhaps compare the folder structure and files and code in a playground book and playground to learn quickly how it works. You would need to compile the playground book with xcode without changing anycode if you wish and then modify its contents manually or by using swift playgrounds! 😀 All the best!
Use Playground Author Template?