Accessibility and custom UIViews with UITextInput


I have developed an open source terminal emulator library which is exposed as a UIView. It works great, but I have struggled tremendously to make this UIView conform to UITextInput to support dictation.

The challenges are as follows. While there is a high-level overview of how UITextInput works, it never gets to the more complex scenarios necessary to properly support accessibility and dictation.

The Guided Tour of a UITextInput Implementation documentation for the technology’ does a walkthrough a sample that has been flagged as retired.

I nevertheless, downloaded the sample, and while it does shed some light on the problem, it has not kept up with changes in iOS, so the sample itself is buggy. Dictation produces incorrect behavior while using it.

I have tried scouring GitHub for samples, but can not find anyone that implement UITextInput and works with dictation or alternative input systems (I managed to get Chinese input working, a little brittle, but it looks like it works).

Could someone point me to an up to date documentation, sample or reference that could help me make my terminal emulator accessible?

My code is at and the "uitextinput-support" contains my attempts to make it work.
Accessibility and custom UIViews with UITextInput