I've been working hard trying to get rid of all the kernel functions that we aren't allowed to call, and now have only a handful left. Loads fine on Intel, but not on arm64e.
The documentation suggest I should use kmem_alloc(), and it is certainly in the t8101 kernel.
I suppose it is in com.apple.kpi.unsupported - does that mean I'm not allowed to call them, or I should use some other method to allocate memory?
The dependency list is:
(I think for namedstream issues, perhaps that has been removed on arm, so can just go without). cpu_number() I can probably live without, mostly used to spread out used locks semi-randomly. But I gotsa get me some memory!
Code Block 2: Could not use 'net.lundman.zfs' because: Failed to bind '_cpu_number' in 'net.lundman.zfs' (at offset 0x3c0 in __DATA_CONST, __got) as could not find a kext which exports this symbol For arm64e: 6 symbols not found in any library kext: _vnop_getnamedstream_desc _vnop_removenamedstream_desc _kmem_alloc _vnop_makenamedstream_desc _kmem_free _cpu_number
The documentation suggest I should use kmem_alloc(), and it is certainly in the t8101 kernel.
I suppose it is in com.apple.kpi.unsupported - does that mean I'm not allowed to call them, or I should use some other method to allocate memory?
The dependency list is:
Code Block <key>OSBundleLibraries</key> <dict> <key>com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily</key> <string>1.6</string> <key>com.apple.iokit.IOAVFamily</key> <string>1.0.0</string> <key>com.apple.kpi.bsd</key> <string>8.0.0</string> <key>com.apple.kpi.iokit</key> <string>8.0.0</string> <key>com.apple.kpi.libkern</key> <string>10.0</string> <key>com.apple.kpi.mach</key> <string>8.0.0</string> <key>com.apple.kpi.unsupported</key> <string>8.0.0</string> </dict>
(I think for namedstream issues, perhaps that has been removed on arm, so can just go without). cpu_number() I can probably live without, mostly used to spread out used locks semi-randomly. But I gotsa get me some memory!