What are the required conditions from Apple to grant a Notification Service Entitlement?

As far as I was aware, there was no way to prevent, from Notification Service Extension, a remote notification to be displayed to the user.

It seems that from iOS 13.3 this is not the case anymore. You can request to Apple, a Notification Service Entitlement which will allow you, if entitlement is granted, to not display the notification.

You can find the link to the documentation here:

Since this is not default behaviour, and Apple needs to grant this, I would speculate there are some conditions from Apple to grant this entitlement.
What are these conditions, if exists?

If Apple will grant the entitlement, do I still get that 30 seconds of processing? Let's say in that time I can send a request to some server and based on that response I could create some local notifications.

Accepted Reply


The entitlement is intended for encrypted messaging applications, but other use cases are welcome to apply.

If you find that your app needs this entitlement, we ask that you simply submit an application.

Request Notification Service Entitlement



The entitlement is intended for encrypted messaging applications, but other use cases are welcome to apply.

If you find that your app needs this entitlement, we ask that you simply submit an application.

Request Notification Service Entitlement