Apple Sign In stuck on simulator

Hi, I'm currently trying to develop Sign In with Apple feature. I'm testing it on simulators because I don't have any device that has iOS 13 in it (my phone is only an iPhone 6). And when I tried the Apple Sign In button, it stuck on the screen where we need to input the password. The activity indicator is always turning non stop and it didn't return either success or error. I'm pretty sure the password I inputted is correct.

This is what I've done so far:
  1. Implement AuthenticationServices

  2. Set the ASAuthorizationControllerDelegate to handle return value from Apple


The code is very similar to the tutorials and documentation. The difference is I am using MVVM+RxSwift. Here it is:

Code Block
final class SignInViewModel {
   struct Input {
    let emailText: Driver<String>
    let passwordText: Driver<String>
    let signInTapped: Signal<Void>
    let appleSignInTapped: Signal<Void>
   let openDashboardScreen: Signal<SignInViewParam>
   init(handleSignIn: @escaping (String, String) -> Observable<SignInViewParam>,
        handleAppleSignIn: @escaping (String) -> Observable<SignInViewParam>,
        input: Input) {
    let signInEvent = input.signInTapped
      .flatMapLatest { (arg) -> Observable<SignInViewParam> in
        let (email, password) = arg
        return handleSignIn(email, password)
    if #available(iOS 13, *) {
      let appleSignInEvent = input.appleSignInTapped
        .compactMap { [weak self] in return self?.createAuthController() }
        .flatMapLatest { (authController: ASAuthorizationController) -> Observable<SignInViewParam> in
          return authController.rx
            .didCompleteWithAuthorization /* The delegate control event using RxCocoa's DelegateProxy */
            .compactMap { authorization in
              guard let credential = authorization.credential as? ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential,
                 let authCodeData = credential.authorizationCode,
                 let authCode = String(data: authCodeData, encoding: .utf8)
              else { return nil }
              return authCode
            .flatMapLatest { (authCode) -> Observable<SignInViewParam> in
              return handleAppleSignIn(authCode) /* Send auth code to server and will return SignInViewParam on success */
      openDashboardScreen = Observable.merge(signInEvent, appleSignInEvent)
        .asSignal(onErrorSignalWith: .never())
    } else {
      openDashboardScreen = signInEvent.asSignal(onErrorSignalWith: .never())
  @available(iOS 13.0, *)
  private func createAuthController() -> ASAuthorizationController {
    let appleIdProvider = ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider()
    let request = appleIdProvider.createRequest()
    request.requestedScopes = [.email, .fullName]
    let authController = ASAuthorizationController(authorizationRequests: [request])
    return authController

I tried using imperative instead of reactive like the tutorials, and it still stuck on the Apple ID password screen.
Apple Sign In stuck on simulator