How to use a Checkbox in ApplescriptObjC correctly?

I have a Programm with the function to create folders
So you can check if you need this or that folder.
And to use that I used properties with bindings like:

Code Block AppleScript
property checkbox : true

Now when the checkbox in Xcode is bounded to checkbox I can see that the checkbox is off. But when I check the checkbox the Programm don't recognize it. And don't make a folder.

Code Block Applescript
if checkbox is true then
make new folder at desktop with properties {name:"My Files"}
end if

Thanks for your support! 💻</>
Some changes:
Is there a possibility that the checkbox in the program is off and you can turn it on?
Code Block
property checkbox : false

the program don't create Folders.
How to use a Checkbox in ApplescriptObjC correctly?