New Apple Developer Team not showing up in Xcode

I just started a new position with a new company and was just recently added to their Apple Dev account. When I sign into App Store Connect and navigate to users my app id is clearly listed with developer permissions. However, in Xcode my new team does not show up when I sign into my account and it just lists my personal team. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I am not able see New Team in and Xcode, although i am getting same team in @Apple Support team please resolve this issue.

Same issue here... did all of the above and still not working!

my case was the same, it seems you forgot to select Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles when adding you to Apple store Connect , I fixed it by re-adding my account to applestoreconnect, and don't forget to select Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. you can check the link: to know if you have this permission, updating this permission may take 10 minutes, please wait for mail response and re-login in XCode. i hope it helps you

What worked for me was a combination of:

  1. Changing my currency from United Stated dollar to something else (and back) on App store connect -> Users and Access
  2. Deleting and re-adding my Apple ID on Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts
  3. Disabling and re-enabling of 'Automatically manage signing' on Xcode -> Target-> my app -> Signing and Capabilities

It took a few hours for the new team to show but it showed eventually. I had to be patient for a few hours.

I have added a colleague of mine to a new development team and we were having the same issue. I noticed that when I selected her name in App Store Connect, under Users and Access, under "Apps" she had selected "All Apps". I have changed that, and only selected the one application in the account, and after she refreshed App Store Connect, everything worked as expected.

I think I've tried everythig from here - nothing works. I am an Account holder, and I am the only one with "Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" options available. I don't see this option for other existing users and when I trying to add new one there is not such option!

Same issue here. Added to my team. I can see the team in AppStoreConnect but not on Apple Developer. Signing in and out of Xcode does not make the team appear.

We solved this by going to XCode -> Settings -> Accounts -> Manage Certificates -> Bottom Left Corner Plus arrow -> Apple Development, then it added the certificate to the development account. Went back to disable then re-enable signing/capabilities, and it appeared.

I had the same issue with admin role and what solved it was checking the "Access to Cloud Managed Developer ID Certificate" permission checkbox.

f you’ve ever met this problem before

“New Apple Developer Team not showing up in Xcode”

So yesterday while preparing our app Cafia Inc. to be released on the iOS platform, one of our developer encountered the above problem, lots of research were made and questions asked but none proffered a solution to the problem.

We got confused and frustrated, why is this not working?!? What did we miss? We’ve ticked the certificate box thing, made him an admin,but it still didn’t work.

That’s when our CEO Alo Michael decided to try one last thing and boom 💥 the problem was fixed, so we decided to share it with the world just in case.

This was what we did, find your way to apple developer console as a holder then go to Certificate, IDs & Profiles, then tap on Certificates, tap on the teammate who’s having this issue’s profile, they should download the certificate to their MacBook like this. Download your certificate to your Mac, then double click the .cer file to install in Keychain Access. Make sure to save a backup copy of your private and public keys somewhere secure.

And that was how we fixed it.. Please share to anyone who might need this.

same issue, not fixed yet

I had this issue and I tried resolving it for about four days. I only had to change the currency from US dollar to United Kingdom pound and magically, it worked

I had the issue and resolved it by going to Users and Access, setting the access to something like only Marketing, then saving, then setting the correct access, then saving again.

You should have an AppManager role.

Apple Developer Program support fixed the problem for me. If you still have that problem, you might want to check your developer team enrollment.

Individuals:Only the Account Holder can distribute apps.

Organizations: The Account Holder, Admin, and App Manager roles can distribute apps.


  1. xCode sign in Account Holder.
  2. Disable Automatically manage signing > Provisioning Profile > import profile > Account Holder profile



Program Roles:

New Apple Developer Team not showing up in Xcode