I am having an issue when using a slider, that if the value between the max and min is too high, the animation breaks if the step is set to low.
Slider(value: $amountToAdd, in: -1500...1500, step: 10)
These seems odd since if you remove the step, its capable of going through the equivalent of 1 step with no issue.
Slider(value: $amountToAdd, in: -1500...1500)
Is there a way around this limitation, or is this a bug in swiftui with the slider? I do not see anything in the documentation that there is a limit.
Slider(value: $amountToAdd, in: -1500...1500, step: 10)
These seems odd since if you remove the step, its capable of going through the equivalent of 1 step with no issue.
Slider(value: $amountToAdd, in: -1500...1500)
Is there a way around this limitation, or is this a bug in swiftui with the slider? I do not see anything in the documentation that there is a limit.