Unlocking with apple watch is not working for apps

The iOS 14.5 beta feature which allows to unlock the iPhone with faceId while wearing a mask, utilizing the apple watch works fine for unlocking the phone itself, but does not work for apps at all.
Is there a reason or did i miss some settings to make it work in apps which also allow faceId to unlock?
Just tried the same thing with 11Pro on 14.5 RC and Watch 5 on 7.4 RC. Device unlock wearing mask (with Watch notification) as expected as you note. Our own app, with data in Secure Enclave, locked with biometric (FaceID).. just fails the biometrics fetch while masked, falls back to normal biometric failure options.. no Watch unlock.

I can see a MacOS / Catalyst flavour for LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometricsOrWatch but that is MacOS/Catalyst, not iOS.

So I also ask the same Q ? Is there something we are supposed to do with our calls to allow our apps to also have Watch fallback ? Or is this an iOS 15+ consideration ?
In iOS 14.5rc unlocking with you watch:
  • Works for unlocking the device as a whole

  • Does not work for apps that use Local Authentication

If you’d like this to change in the future then the answer is, as always, file an enhancement request. And please post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Unlocking with apple watch is not working for apps