While associating license to the device using the below API, We are getting an error saying "License not eligible for device assignment"
Sample Response:
However, App shows as Device Assignable in Apple Business Manager and also the App details API responds as isVppDeviceBasedLicensingEnabled=true while fetching App details.
We are seeing this error very frequent and consistent for the past few hours for some apps which were working fine earlier. Since it greatly affects App deployment through Apple Business Manager it would be helpful if we get any input on why this error occurs and how to mitigate them.
Code Block https://vpp.itunes.apple.com/mdm/manageVPPLicensesByAdamIdSrv
Sample Response:
Code Block { "associations": [ { "serialNumber": "XXXXXX", "errorMessage": "License not eligible for device assignment.", "errorCode": 9628, "errorNumber": 9628 } ], "status": -1 }
However, App shows as Device Assignable in Apple Business Manager and also the App details API responds as isVppDeviceBasedLicensingEnabled=true while fetching App details.
Code Block "bundleId": "com.granicus.iLegislate", "isVppDeviceBasedLicensingEnabled": true, "kind": "iosSoftware", "copyright": "© Granicus, Inc.", "latestVersionReleaseDate": "Apr 4, 2019", "artistId": "1191882827",
We are seeing this error very frequent and consistent for the past few hours for some apps which were working fine earlier. Since it greatly affects App deployment through Apple Business Manager it would be helpful if we get any input on why this error occurs and how to mitigate them.