Why autofill not working in WKWebView?

Autofill not working in WKWebView

I followed all the steps given here to enable autofill on my website. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/password_autofill/enabling_password_autofill_on_an_html_input_element

After configuration, autofill working in the mobile Safari browser but not in the in-app-browser (WKWebView). May I know if this is supported by WKWebView.

I don't see a save password prompt in the app but in the mobile safari browser it's working perfectly fine.

Have you tried associating your App with the domain you are signing into? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/supporting-associated-domains (I'm not 100% certain this will solve your issue)

Why autofill not working in WKWebView?