NSE Filtering

we already got access to com.apple.developer.usernotifications.filtering , we have set up this special permission in our app extension entitlement and provision profile. but we are still unable to filter notification by providing empty UNNotificationContent
@dipak10112 Did you set the apns-push-type header field to alert when you send the notification to the APNS server?

There is a note on the documentation about this:

To silence a remote notification, you must set the apns-push-type header field to alert when you send the notification to the APNS server. Otherwise, the system always displays the notification banner to the user.

Hi. I am facing same problem, I got access to use entitlement but notification is not being hidden. I tried it with both sandbox and production env. My notification payload is

[AnyHashable("aps"): { alert = { body = "Tap to explore"; title = APP Name; }; badge = 0; "content-available" = 1; "mutable-content" = 1; }]

As described here com.apple.developer.usernotifications.filtering you have to use an extension and then to call contentHandler(UNNotificationContent()) to suppress a notification. As for the APS-Payload "mutable-content" has to be set and it has to be an alert. Without "mutable-content" your notification is not being called.

Hello I have the same problem The model of my notification is

  "headers": {
     "apns-push-type": "alert"

  "aps": {
	"alert": {
			"title": "Test title",
			"body": "You have received a new message."
	"mutable-content": 1

I can catch notification in UNNotificationServiceExtension but i can't filter it with contentHandler(UNNotificationContent())

NSE Filtering