Creating Archive with Static Libraries

My project uses 3 static libraries and it works on the simulator and with a USB connected device. The application on the test device is around 36 MB. However, when I build archive and distribute it for ad hoc testing the resulting IPA file is only 104K. No error are given during the Archive. Obviously the static libraries are not being included in the Archive.

Any tips on getting static libraries included in the Archive?
The installed size of the app, which is uncompressed, and the size of the .ipa file, which is compressed, are not directly comparable because they represent different things. Xcode can create an app size report, which you should use to see the different sizes your app has in its compressed and uncompressed states. Reducing Your App’s Size for has instructions on how to generate the app size report.
Thank you and you are correct. I installed the IPA file on my iPhone directly using Xcode and it loaded properly and everything works. I was surprised but happy at the reduced size.

I am now looking at the html file I present to the user to download OTA. When I click on the link nothings happens. I changed the manifest file URL to http instead of https and I received the following error on my iPhone:

"Cannot install applications because the certificate for (my domain) is not valid."

Below is my html code:

<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http://XXXXXX/MYApp/DistributionSummary.plist"> Download app by clicking here

Creating Archive with Static Libraries