SFSpeechRecognitionTask recognizes wrong language

SFSpeechRecognitionTask created with SFSpeechRecognizer that was created with German as a locale (de-DE) gives results when people talk in plain English. We are using this method to create the recognition task https://developer.apple.com/documentation/speech/sfspeechrecognizer/1649883-recognitiontask and we get the results in the result handler.

I am saying "What are you doing today" and even though SFSpeechRecognizer was created with German locale it recognizes it with high confidence. It also has the final result.

We also check with SFSpeechRecognizer.supportedLocales() if the locale we use is supported and it is supported.

Feedback ID: FB8987305 (SFSpeechRecognitionTask recognizes wrong language)