I'm trying to pass a password for connecting to VPN using sanboxed System NetworkExtension (with packet tunnel capability on debug or packet-tunnel-provider-systemextension on release version signed with DeveloperID). When system extension tries to read it from the keychain, SecItemCopyMatching returns errSecMDSError (-67674).
What can be a cause why System NetworkExtension can't read password from a reference?
macOS Catalina 10.15.7
App is sandboxed.
System Extension with Network extension is sandboxed (outgoing connections enabled on both app and extension). Has packet-tunnel-provider entitlement.
What can be a cause why System NetworkExtension can't read password from a reference?
macOS Catalina 10.15.7
App is sandboxed.
System Extension with Network extension is sandboxed (outgoing connections enabled on both app and extension). Has packet-tunnel-provider entitlement.