Attributed text, dynamic type and localization

I'm using nib files not Swift UI, and trying to get attributed text in a TextView to be localized as well as scale for accessibility - Dynamic Type specifically for larger fonts set in Settings -> Accessibility.

I haven't found anything in the Apple documentation, but I'm assuming attributed text is not supported in localization or accessibility. Does SwiftUI address this somehow? The "scaling fonts automatically" docs from Apple only mention using plain text in IB.

Has anyone found a workaround, fix or an elegant custom solution to handle this? 3rd party OSS framework??

My first thought is to build the attributable text programmatically, using localized strings, then scale up the font size programmatically based on PreferredContentSizeCategory from the traitCollectionDidChange() notification.



I haven't found anything in the Apple documentation, but I'm assuming attributed text is not supported in localization or accessibility.

What do you mean exactly ?
Can you show how you call the NSAttributed text to display ?