watchOS 7.3 battery drain issue

Hi, I own an Apple Watch series 6 cellular. After upgrading from 7.2 to 7.3 battery life has dramatically reduced. Used to use all day and night and when I woke up it had still 30% to 40% battery life before a quick charge. Now battery will be 5% before going to sleep.

please help me to solve the issue.

kind regards
Same here. Watch 3 - complete disaster with battery Drain after update.
Same here. Apple Watch 3. Before update I got from fully charged 1,5 day with sleep tracking 2 nights and 1 PT session. Now I am down to under 50% from just one night (8 h sleep). Absolute disaster!!!
I have an Apple Watch series 5 with cellular and upgraded to 7.3. Last night, it was fully charged when I went to sleep. In 12 hours the battery is completely dead. Please fix this!!!
How are you guys doing after 7.3.2 update?
I’ve had only this issue since 7.3.2.
But the drain is crazy, my first day 100% in the morning and by 15 it was at 11% and now after a charge at night I went to bed 7 to 8 hours and woke up to 22%, all night in sleep mode :(
Same issue with 4 series. My watch used to be at 30-40% at the end of the day no matter how active or long a workout I would Have. But now I’m lucky if it’s 5-10% by the evening.
and my battery health is at 93%.
Same here.
Apple watch series 4 (WatchOS 7.3.2). Went to bed at 100% ,and woke up at 12%. It was in sleep mode all night. From 12% to 0 less than 10 min.
This is a bad bug. I can't use by watch in this mode. Must be fixed this issue very fast.
Series 5 and in the past 6 hours I have dropped to 58%. At this rate, I wont make it the entire work day. I even did a hard reset and tried repairing to my phone.

I got the same problems! This is driving me so mad!
Same here!

I have the Apple Watch 5, bought it 8 months ago after having purchased the original Apple Watch and the Apple Watch 2. I upgraded for more features and because I didn’t want to have to charge it TWICE during the day.

Before the 7.3.2 update for the Apple Watch, I would put my watch on after I wake up, sometimes lay around in bed, go run, hit the gym and still have 70% after all of this! Was rare for me to get below 45% on a really active day, now? I wake up, put on my watch and if I hit snooze a couple of times, when I get up, my watch is at 89%! And no, I’m not using it as an alarm clock. Today, just walking around my house, I haven’t even RUN or hit the gym yet, I’m at 75%. Which by the time I run and hit the gym, who knows? With this kind of battery drain in such a quick time frame, how in the world would a person be able to use the sleep function? It’s ridiculous.

might seem petty, being upset that my watch is 11% down after wearing while hitting snooze, but when you compare it to my watch being down to 95-96% in the same instance BEFORE the update, you see the problem. Power being drained at almost 2X what it was before the update. After a heavy day at the gym and a run, for the first time my watch fell to 15%, I figured I’d hit it really hard that day. I hadn’t. And no, I don’t have very many push notifications. Just fitness, phone, text. That’s all.

Apple needs to fix this.
Latest iOS update (14.4.1) seem to have sorted out the problem for me.
Worked fine a few days. Now back to same problem again. Hoping 14.4.2 will work it out.
Mine too. I went to sleep and woke up to 22% now at 9am at work my watch has stopped working. When is this going to be fixed?
Having the same issue with Series 6 running 7.3.3. I used to get 2 days of 'daytime' use (charging every other day), now I get a full day, and put on watch the next morning and its down to 10-15%...something is causing the 7.3.x software to run the battery down much quicker than earlier versions!
I’ve had my watch for a very short time. I purchased it directly through the Apple website in October. It has worked perfectly up until the 7.3.2 update.

Immediately following the update, my watch would drain very quickly and unpredictably. Normally, I would get around two days per charge, and it never once gave me a low battery warning. So when it first died midday, I thought maybe I forgot to change it. Nope!

So now, here comes 7.3.3 and I’m super excited. Naturally I assumed that Apple has corrected the issue, and all the extra emergency chargers I bought would be lonely. Nope! It’s obviously known issue, just type it into a Google search. Yet, the problem is now even worse.

The first day with 7.3.3 my fully charged watch drained so rapidly, I had to fully change it three times. These are not cheap watches and this is disappointing.

However, not sure if this is a fluke or not, but so far it has worked twice for me.

Temporary Fix:
Power off the phone, then place it on the charger. This has been working well for me, and the charge holds significantly longer when charged this way.

Yesterday my watch died in the morning about three hours after taking it off the charger with a full charge. I powered it off and placed it on the charger again until it was at 100% again. That was at approximately noon yesterday. It’s now 5am and my watch is still at 73% which is more typical.

I hope that until Apple releases an update this might be helpful to others as well.

My apologies if this has already been mentioned, I’m a bad person and didn’t read all the replies 😳🤭
My watch updated to 7.3.3 two days ago. Noticed battery drain the next day. Thought it was a fluke.

I measured the battery drain today. Over the last 2.5 hours I am am averaging 1% every 7.5 minutes. So if you do the math 750 minutes on one charge is about 12 hours. Seriously??!!??

Trying @Harvey_Specters temporary solution now.

I know Apple doesn't monitor these forums so I guess I am just venting.
@jdkohler, let me know how it goes. I took mine off the charger around 2.5 hours ago, I'm at 95%. Charged powered off again today. I'm just hoping there is a fix for this. It's nuts. I had to charge it 3 times yesterday.
@Harvey_Specter, this seems to have fixed the issue this time. Been off charger for 5 hours and at 76% which is still a bit higher on the battery drain but not as drastic. Thanks!
@jdkohler Good to hear! I’m at 80% now 7 hours later. I did delete a lot off the watch too. Half of it I don’t really use. Not sure if that helped at all.

Hopefully they fix it soon 🤞
I have the same problem after updating my brand new AW 6 to 7.3.3. Battery life went from 24 hours to 12.

I urgently need a solution, and don't tell me to turn off a bunch of things, like "Always On" - they were working fine WITHOUT battery drain in the day prior to the upgrade.

Same issue here. Apple Watch 6 Cellular. Took a good hit on battery performance going to 7.3, could go all day, and a full night sleep, and be at 30% in the morning. Now I’m down in the teens before bed, and have to charge before bed or won’t make it through the night. Just upgrade to 7.3.3, and it has gotten even worse. Charging in the middle of the day now.

Hoping for a fix to this ASAP!
Same issue with my Series 4 after software update to 7.3.3. Battery life has been substantially degraded and the watch is taking much longer to charge than it did prior to the update. Apple, you need to put out a new update to fix this or allow us to roll back to the previous software version.
Same problem here. I have an AW 3, used to make a day and 1/2 with normal use. This last update, 7.3.3 killed it. Barely making it from morning until evening. Also every time they update it, the weather app fails, will not refresh to current weather.
I’m having the exact same issue, Watch 6 cellular, battery drain right after 7.3.3 upgrade, please fix this Apple.
Same Problem, Apple has to fix it quickly!!
watchOS 7.3 battery drain issue