Button title and accessibility for fonts

Currently working on a medical at home testing app that has to comply with certain FDA guidelines for accessibility. Mainly, larger font sizes.

I understand how Dynamic Type works and that seems to be working fine so far - however, when I add a UIButton to my nib and set its Title font to style "Title 3" (for example, so that it scales with System settings), the font scales up and becomes invisible because the button itself is not scaling. I end up with an ellipse for the button Title. Also, if the button did scale it would really impact the UI in terms of the design that I am coding to.

Is there any best practice or guide for how to handle this? Should I just ignore button accessibility? Any tips or advice is appreciated.


looks like setting the button Content Mode to Scale to Fill is one solution...
A bit hard to understand:
  • you want large font: this will take some place in button

  • but you don't want to enlarge the button… So there may not be room for the complete title

  • and you're surprised by the ellipses…

Did you consider a multi line button (line break: word wrap or char wrap) ?