Please read the last thread: Parse XML in SwiftUI
I've got the code to parse articles from XML courtesy of OOPer...but I need to actually execute it in ArticlesView. How would I call ArticlesParser into ArticlesView and related views and run the parser onto an XML file (THS.xml)?
Here's ArticleInfo.swift and ArticlesView.
I've got the code to parse articles from XML courtesy of OOPer...but I need to actually execute it in ArticlesView. How would I call ArticlesParser into ArticlesView and related views and run the parser onto an XML file (THS.xml)?
Here's ArticleInfo.swift and ArticlesView.
Code Block // // ArticleInfo.swift // Hair Society Go // // Created by Joshua Srery on 1/13/21. // Code provided by OOPer on Apple Developer Forums // import Foundation struct Article { var title: String = "" var date: Date? var author: String? var img: URL? /// content in HTML var content: String = "" } class ArticlesParser: XMLParser { // Public property to hold the result var articles: [Article] = [] var dateTimeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "GMT-6") lazy var dateFormater: DateFormatter = { let df = DateFormatter() //Please set up this DateFormatter for the entry `date` df.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX") df.dateFormat = "MMM dd, yyyy" df.timeZone = dateTimeZone return df }() private var textBuffer: String = "" private var nextArticle: Article? = nil override init(data: Data) { super.init(data: data) self.delegate = self } } extension ArticlesParser: XMLParserDelegate { // Called when opening tag (`<elementName>`) is found func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, didStartElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?, attributes attributeDict: [String : String] = [:]) { switch elementName { case "posts": nextArticle = Article() case "title": textBuffer = "" case "date": textBuffer = "" case "author": textBuffer = "" case "img": textBuffer = "" case "content": textBuffer = "" default: print("Ignoring \(elementName)") break } } // Called when closing tag (`</elementName>`) is found func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, didEndElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?) { switch elementName { case "posts": if let article = nextArticle { articles.append(article) } case "title": nextArticle?.title = textBuffer case "date": print("date: \(textBuffer)") nextArticle?.date = textBuffer) case "author": nextArticle?.author = textBuffer case "img": print("img: \(textBuffer)") nextArticle?.img = URL(string: textBuffer) case "content": nextArticle?.content = textBuffer default: print("Ignoring \(elementName)") break } } // Called when a character sequence is found // This may be called multiple times in a single element func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, foundCharacters string: String) { textBuffer += string } // Called when a CDATA block is found func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, foundCDATA CDATABlock: Data) { guard let string = String(data: CDATABlock, encoding: .utf8) else { print("CDATA contains non-textual data, ignored") return } textBuffer += string } // For debugging func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, parseErrorOccurred parseError: Error) { print(parseError) print("on:", parser.lineNumber, "at:", parser.columnNumber) } }
Code Block // // ArticlesView.swift // Hair Society Go // // Created by Joshua Srery on 11/29/20. // import SwiftUI struct ArticlesView: View { var body: some View { NavigationView { List { ForEach(0 ..< 5) { item in NavigationLink(destination: ArticleView(title: "Replace with Title var", image: "Replace with Img var", content: "Replace with Content var", author: "Replace with Author var", date: "Replace with Date var")) { ArticleRow(image: "Replace with Img var", title: "Replace with Title var", author: "Replace with Author var", date: "Replace with Date var") } } } .navigationTitle("Articles") .toolbar(content: { Menu { Button("Date", action: {}) Button("Title", action: {}) Button("Customize…", action: {}) } label: { Label("Filter", systemImage: "") } }) // Ignore the filter Menu for right now } } } struct ArticleRow: View { let image: String let title: String let author: String let date: String var body: some View { HStack { Image(image) .resizable() .frame(minWidth: 75, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 75) .cornerRadius(12) VStack(alignment: .leading, content: { Text(title) .font(.headline) Text("\(author) • \(date)") .font(.subheadline) }) } } }
You have no need to (and should not, in this case) make ArticlesParser a local class nested in a function.
Code Block class ArticlesParser: XMLParser { //... } extension ArticlesParser: XMLParserDelegate { //... } class ArticlesInfo: ObservableObject { @Published var articles: [Article] = [] func loadArticles() { let articlesParser = ArticlesParser() //... } }