Need Bcc option when sharing app content with mail


We are working on macOS catalyst, we reach the technical support team for the same. but the suggest submitting the same problem here. so here is a problem.

In our app, we need a BCC option when we share the app content with Mail with a PDF attachment and HTML Body.

We use MFMailComposeViewController API but it does not show BCC option in the mail even though we enable BCC option from the mail app preferences

Also, we try "mail to link" API to open the mail App with the BCC option and its work but we are not able to attach PDF as attachments and HTML content as Body.

Our goal is to Share PDF as an attachment, HTML in body, and BCC option for selected emails, same we have achieved on iPad and iPhone.

Please help us to achieve the same in the macOS catalyst App.

Screen recoding is attached.

looking forward for your response.

Need Bcc option when sharing app content with mail