Widget iOS 14 with daily update not always working

I have a simple widget that needs to be updated daily, however many of the users have complained that their widget doesn't update daily.

What am doing wrong here?
Code Block
func getTimeline(in context: Context, completion: @escaping (Timeline<TodayInfoEntry>) -> Void) {
    let now = Date() + 2
    widgtBrain.date = now
    let nextUpdateDate = Calendar.autoupdatingCurrent.date(byAdding: .day, value: 1, to: Calendar.autoupdatingCurrent.startOfDay(for: now))!
      let todayInfo = widgtBrain.widgetInfoDicGenerator(forActualWidget: true, forPlaceholder: false, forSnapshot: false)
      let entry = TodayInfoEntry(
        date: now,
        info: todayInfo
      let timeline = Timeline(
        policy: .after(nextUpdateDate)

the widgetBrain generates a dictionary with new data based on the given date "now"

Widget iOS 14 with daily update not always working