good resource for AR image trigger / detection

I'm just starting playing with some projects and technologies and looking to build a simple app that does image trigger detection. I don't have any 3d requirements (it just opens urls), however, I do need to load the images dynamically, IE can't rely on them being in the built resources folder. With the frameworks changing so fast, I'm finding it hard to know what framework / starter project to choose or what resources would fit this need. Any tips would be most appreciated. Thanks


You can achieve this with the ARKit framework, specifically its capability of detecting images.
If you are new to ARKit, you can start by having a look at the Detecting Images in ARKit developer sample.

That sample project demonstrates image tracking uses a predefined set of reference images. However it is also possible to choose at runtime which images to detect. Basically this requires the following steps:
  1. Instantiate an ARReferenceImage object out of an existing CGImage or pixel buffer (for example, an image you downloaded from the web). See for more details.

  2. Validate the reference image for its suitability to be detected by ARKit.

  3. If validation succeeds, add the reference image(s) to your configuration's set of detectionImages and re-run the AR session with the updated configuration.