ellipses in WKInterfacePicker Items in Simulator

When I run my Watch app in the Xcode 12.2, MacOS 11.0.1 Simulator (any size watch) for an update the text in my three WKInterfacePickers are truncated with ellipsis, e.g. MONTHS Jul, A..., Sep DAYS 14,15,16, YEARS 20..., 20..., 20...

I keep the Width "Relative to Container" specifying a percentage for each picker adding up to 1. The Height of the Group container is constant.

With the same settings on my (only) hardware 1st Gen Watch watchOS 4.3.2, the titles/text are fine and complete. The ellipses are less frequent with the 44mm face though.

It doesn't seem the titles/text adapt to their containers. Any ideas?