KVO is not available in the suite UserDefaults

I am creating an AppExtension that uses ReplayKit. I want to know that ReplayKit was launched in HostApp, so I figured I could record that it was launched in the suite's UserDefaults and KVO that record in HostApp.
Here is the minimal code.

iPhone12 Pro
  • HostApp Code

Code Block swift
import UIKit
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
  @IBOutlet private weak var messageLabel: UILabel!
  private let userDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "app_group_id")
  private let key = "key"
  private var context = 0
  override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.userDefaults?.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: self.key, options: .new, context: &self.context)
  override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
    guard context == &self.context,
       let change = change, let message = change[.newKey] as? String else { return }
    self.messageLabel.text = message
  deinit {
    self.userDefaults?.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: self.key, context: &self.context)

  • AppExtension Code

Code Block swift
import ReplayKit
final class SampleHandler: RPBroadcastSampleHandler {
  private let userDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "app_group_id")
  private let key = "key"
  override func broadcastStarted(withSetupInfo setupInfo: [String : NSObject]?) {
    self.userDefaults?.setValue("Broadcast Started😄", forKey: self.key)
  override func broadcastFinished() {
    self.userDefaults?.setValue("Broadcast Finished😴", forKey: self.key)

When delivering in ReplayKit with HostApp running, I expected the labels to change. But nothing changed.

How do I do KVO in the suite UserDefaults?

Thanks for any help.

Are you found any solution for this?

KVO is not available in the suite UserDefaults