How to request Bluetooth permissions on macOS Big Sur

I have application which uses BLE on MacOS. With update to macOS 11 I have noticed some differences in BLW permissions handling. First, macOS was complaining about missing NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription. I have added missing key to Info.plist and upon starting the app, MacOS shows dialog requesting user permissions. When permission is granted, the app works just fine.

Problem is when user deny access to Bluetooth for the app. The app doesn't have a way to query current status and request for permissions once again.

If Bluetooth is On and permission is granted, CBManager.status is .poweredOn. When permission is not granted or not yet requested, the status is .unknown. It never turns to .unauthorized.

Question is what is the proper way for requesting for Bluetooth Permission on MacOS?
After looking at CBCentralManager more carefully, I have found authorization property which reflects status of user-granted permission.
How to request Bluetooth permissions on macOS Big Sur