What is the main difference in Xcode template playground and Blank playground ?

Thanks for the video in wwdc20, I’m looking for anything that would help enable app programs to run correctly now, that were working in version 3.2 of Swift Playgrounds app running on iPad Pro 12.4” 4th Gen before the update, but have failed with many generic errors for update version 3.4 version of this app released a few days ago. I generally started with a Blank Playground template, but after watching the video, I am wondering if starting with an XCode template might help with these Abort() Called errors. I do not see any errors when running from MBP ... but if I am running on MBP, I unusually use real XCode IDE.

BTW ... I did not know about dragging the final brace downward to exclude code in newly added functions, pretty cool!

thanks for any help
You can try starting from an Xcode playground, but from my experience (I have playgrounds which were started from “Blank” and the Xcode template), none of them work correctly. Some of those written using the Xcode template display more or less correctly, but I’m noticing that bindings (@State, etc.) don’t work. Such a mess.

The difference between the two template types is in folder and file structure. If you have an editor like Textastic which lets you navigate into a playground package, you can see the differences. You can also get a hint if you click on the “...” menu button (next the the “+” menu item when working on a playground), go to “Advanced” and “View Auxiliary Source Files”.

Lastly, did you mean “dragging the final brace downward to include code”? (Either way, thanks for reminding me about this dragging behavior in the editor on iOS.)
What is the main difference in Xcode template playground and Blank playground ?