Read/Write & connection problems with I/O streams and URLSessionStreamTask

I am trying to create a communication channel based on Bonjour NetService and URLSessionStreamTask to open the I/O stream.

I have the setup ready and I am able to connect with bonjour service and open I/O streams between mac and iOS app.
I am using swift codables for request and response, so communication is based on codable structs encoded as Data. I send a Request struct (by outputStream.write(data)) and wait for a response struct from mac app in input stream.

I am sending fetchUser request (after receiving response for loginUser), the mac app receives the request and writes the response without write failing (-1) but I'm not receiving the response in iOS app. (Although I received the response for previous loginUser request)

I'm not able to figure out where exactly the issue is. Attaching the code snippets here.

PS: I am noob at IO streams handling so a detailed response will be helpful. May be some sources where I can understand more about the topic.

Mac App code

Code Block
let service: NetService = NetService(domain: "local.", type: "_my-app._tcp.", name: "test", port: 0)
service.delegate = self
service.publish(options: .listenForConnections)
//Writes response to connected output stream
func send(response: HalloResponse) {
do {
let data = try encoder.encode(response)
print("HalloServer: Response: \(String(describing: String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)))")
if serviceDelegate.dataStream?.outputSteam.write(data: data) == -1 {
print("HalloServer: send(response: HalloResponse) Write failied")
} catch {
print("HalloServer: Exception in send(request: Request)")
func netService(_ sender: NetService, didAcceptConnectionWith inputStream: InputStream, outputStream: OutputStream) {
print("NetServiceDelegate: service - \( inputStream - \(inputStream) outputStream \(outputStream)")
self.inputStream = inputStream
self.outputSteam = outputSteam
self.inputStream.delegate = self
self.outputSteam.delegate = self
self.inputStream.schedule(in: .main, forMode: .default)
self.inputStream.schedule(in: .main, forMode: .default)
// StreamDelegate
func stream(_ aStream: Stream, handle eventCode: Stream.Event) {
print("StreamDelegate: handle eventCode: \(eventCode.rawValue)")
if inputStream == aStream {
switch eventCode {
case .hasBytesAvailable:
var data = Data()
guard &data) > 0 else { return }
print("HalloDataStream: Recieved data - \(String(describing: String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)))")
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
if let request = try? decoder.decode(Request.self, from: data) {
delegate?.didReceive(request: request)
if let response = try? decoder.decode(HalloResponse.self, from: data) {
delegate?.didReceive(response: response)
default: break

iOS App code

Code Block
serviceBrowser.searchForServices(ofType: "_my-app._tcp.", inDomain: "local.")
func connect(with service: NetService, completion: @escaping DeviceConnectionCompletion) {
deviceCompletion = completion
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
config.requestCachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
let session = URLSession(configuration: config, delegate: self, delegateQueue: .main)
streamTask = session.streamTask(with: service)
func send(request: Request) {
do {
let data = try encoder.encode(request)
print("HalloClient: Request: \(String(describing: String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)))")
if dataStream?.outputSteam.write(data: data) == -1 {
print("HalloClient: send(request: Request) Write failied")
} catch {
print("HalloClient: Exception in send(request: Request)")
// URLSessionStreamDelegate
func urlSession(
_ session: URLSession,
streamTask: URLSessionStreamTask,
didBecome inputStream: InputStream,
outputStream: OutputStream
) {
print("didBecomeInputStream:(NSInputStream *)inputStream outputStream: OutputStream")
self.inputStream = inputStream
self.outputSteam = outputSteam
self.inputStream.delegate = self
self.outputSteam.delegate = self
self.inputStream.schedule(in: .main, forMode: .default)
self.inputStream.schedule(in: .main, forMode: .default)
// StreamDelegate
func stream(_ aStream: Stream, handle eventCode: Stream.Event) {
// code exactly same as mac app delegate

Extensions on IO stream

Code Block
extension InputStream {
private var maxLength: Int { return 4096 }
func read(data: inout Data) -> Int {
var totalReadCount: Int = 0
let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: maxLength)
while hasBytesAvailable {
let numberOfBytesRead = read(buffer, maxLength: maxLength)
if numberOfBytesRead < 0, let error = streamError {
print("Read Error: \(error)")
data.append(buffer, count: numberOfBytesRead)
totalReadCount += numberOfBytesRead
return totalReadCount
extension OutputStream {
func write(data: Data) -> Int {
if streamStatus != .open {
let count = data.count
let result = data.withUnsafeBytes {
write($0.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self).baseAddress!, maxLength: count)
return result

It would be really helpful if somebody can review my code and help me figure out the issue. I have a feeling that the issue is with stream open() and close(). Initially, nothing was working but adding open and close functions during write helped. Maybe I need a better way to fix this problem. PS: I had the same problem with CocoaAsyncSocket and I am not looking to use it or any other third party solution.

First things first, why did you choose NetService and URLSessionStreamTask for this? These days I generally recommend Network framework, especially if you’re working in Swift where the old APIs are less Swift friendly.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
Can you elaborate on this? Can you point me to resources that explain how this should be done these days?
Network framework includes:
  • NWBrowser, to browse for Bonjour services

  • NWConnection, to open a TCP connection (or UDP flow) to an endpoint, including Bonjour endpoints returned by NWBrowser

These are much easier to use in modern code (Swift, Dispatch queues rather than run loops) than their equivalent older technologies.

WWDC 2019 Session 713 Advances in Networking, Part 2 has a good overview on how to set this up.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
Read/Write &amp; connection problems with I/O streams and URLSessionStreamTask