Spike in apis load when ios 14 widget are reloaded.

I integrated new ios 14 widgets in my app, and i am seeing a spike of apis when widget are being reloaded.
So to give perspective what i have done is that i make 2-3 api calls to get data in order to show in widget and after every 30 mins they are reloaded as shown below.

But the issue i am facing is that in analytic chart i am seeing api spike every 30 mins and not in between(or scattered) for collective users.

In my understanding if a user A adds widget at 1:00 so widget should be reloaded at approx 1:30 and if user B adds widget at 1:10 it should be reloaded at 1:40, but instead i see that a triangle spike at 1:30, 2:00, 2:30 etc.
Is someone else facing the same issue or I am missing something?
Asked apple about it, it gave me links on how to reload using widgetcenter or their guide from which i made my widgets.
Code Block
func getTimeline(in context: Context, completion: @escaping (Timeline<WidgetEntry>) -> Void) {
WidgetManager.shared.fetchData(widgetFamily: context.family, completion: { widgetData in
let date = Date()
let relevance = TimelineEntryRelevance(score: 70)
let entry = WidgetEntry(date: date, relevance: relevance, widgetData: widgetData)
let nextUpdateDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .minute, value: 30, to: date)!
let timeline = Timeline(entries:[entry], policy: .after(nextUpdateDate))

I am experiencing the same issue. The spikes are causing irregular traffic. I am scaled up to handle the load, but for 29 out of 30 minutes, that extra load is not used. It would be great for Apple to share how to manage this. Being able to jitter the requests or moving away from this 30 minute batch request cycle would help.
Spike in apis load when ios 14 widget are reloaded.