Xcode 12.2 & Big Sur: Source editor extensions have vanished

After upgrading to Xcode Version 12.2 (12B45b), all my extensions are no longer showing, in the editor menu.

Extensions are present in system preferences and selected.

Anyone else experiencing this?
The same problem
Same problem
So, apparently Source Editor extensions now need to link / embed & sign the XcodeKit framework.

After updating my extension as such, it now works.

Same problem
Same problem
Same problem
Yes! I, too, am experiencing this. Have tried uninstalling/reinstalling, but no joy. They're enabled in Extensions in System Preferences. I've reported this to Apple.
Same problem
Same problem
Same problem .
I've got the same problem and have reported it to Apple via the Feedback Assistant.

If anyone else experiences the same issue it's a good idea to report it as well because Apple actively uses the number of independently raised, but related Feedback Assistant tickets to determine what to prioritize fixing.
Same problem!
Same problem.
Same problem
I am having the same problem.
Thanks @satcol's sharing. I confirm that linking and embedding XcodeKit framework in the extension target works.
@satcol, could you please share the exact details of how you linked the XcodeKit lib?

I've added XcodeKit as a linked binary under Build Phases but when I link, it gives a linker error: "framework not found XcodeKit".

I can answer my own question about embedding and signing XcodeKit. I had my project selected instead of the target extension.

Steps to link XcodeKit (just in case someone else needs exact steps):
  1. Select your top-level project in the Project Navigator.

  2. Under TARGETS, select your extension to see its settings.

  3. In the General tab, scroll down to Frameworks and Libraries.

  4. For a new extension, it will show two libs: 1) Cocoa.framework; 2) XcodeKit.framework. Both have the option Do Not Embed selected.

  5. Change XcodeKit.framework to Embed & Sign.

  6. Rebuild.

I can also confirm this resolved the issue.

The strangest thing now happened. The extensions that worked a day ago no longer work. They are not even there when I open System Preferences > Extensions. It is as if it never existed. There was no reboot through the night, my macBook was closed.

How can this be? Nothing that I tried (even reboot) is helping. I can even create a new project and follow the steps to create an extension but not even debugging works (it starts debugging but the extension is not under the Editor menu in xcode.

Any suggestions?
Xcode 12.2 & Big Sur: Source editor extensions have vanished