Code Block CFMutableDictionaryRef matching = IOServiceMatching("IODisplayConnect"); io_iterator_t iter = 99; kern_return_t err = IOServiceGetMatchingServices( kIOMasterPortDefault, matching, &iter );
The "matching" variable seems valid:
Code Block matching CFMutableDictionaryRef 1 key/value pair [0] "IOProviderClass" : "IODisplayConnect" key NSCFConstantString * "IOProviderClass" value NSCFString * "IODisplayConnect"
The call to "IOServiceGetMatchingServices" sets the "iter" value to 0.
If I use another class name in the "IOServiceMatching" call, say "IOMediaBSDClient", "IOServiceGetMatchingServices" returns a valid iterator.
Would Big Sur on Apple M1 devices need additional calls, or has this service class been deprecated?
Using "IODisplayConnect" allows me to get display information via "IODisplayCreateInfoDictionary".