My environment is as follows:
macOS Catalina
Xcode 12
Single Window/View Controller - the view controller has custom code to populate a tableView in the View Controller
The tableView has 7 columns and is populated from a SQLite table.
The tableView displays data for 6 of the 7 columns. On the last column I get the following error:
valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key itemUsedLast.
I have searched for information on this error and what I have found is it seems to be saying that for the field itemUsedLast can not find an outlet? But in the case for a tableview the only IBOutlet is one for the entire tableView. Also, the identifiers in the storyboard match the code in the custom view controller.
I have completed several tableViews before and have not run into this issue.
I have tried several remedies but none resolved this issue.
Any thoughts on how to debug this further or resolve this will be appreciated.
macOS Catalina
Xcode 12
Single Window/View Controller - the view controller has custom code to populate a tableView in the View Controller
The tableView has 7 columns and is populated from a SQLite table.
The tableView displays data for 6 of the 7 columns. On the last column I get the following error:
valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key itemUsedLast.
I have searched for information on this error and what I have found is it seems to be saying that for the field itemUsedLast can not find an outlet? But in the case for a tableview the only IBOutlet is one for the entire tableView. Also, the identifiers in the storyboard match the code in the custom view controller.
I have completed several tableViews before and have not run into this issue.
I have tried several remedies but none resolved this issue.
Any thoughts on how to debug this further or resolve this will be appreciated.
I suspect you have a problem here :
Try to comment it out.
Code Block func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, objectValueFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> Any? { let identifier = tableColumn?.identifier let str = items[row].value(forKey: identifier!.rawValue) return str }
Try to comment it out.