Battery drain in ios 14.2

i updated my iphone 7+ to ios 14.2 and now i have battery drain problem and it takes long time to be charged and warmup during charging
I agree! Since I updated my SE 2020, the battery barely lasts one day. I was talking on the phone Monday for almost 2 hours and the battery dropped from 80% down to almost 40%. I wouldn't think talking on the phone would cause the battery to drop that fast.
Same issue with 11 Pro , 11 , XR , XS Max , and 6s i have for me and family
I have done a clean install of ipsw to my iPhone 11 Pro through iTunes (which has 100% battery health) and also I did the same procedureto my iPad 6th. I didn’t press restore from back up so I chose set up as new. I only opened iCloud switches in order to get back my photos which cost me to loose my calls but I don’t mind. Weeks have passed and I figured out that I have battery drain in both devices. I thought that it could be a normal behaviour in order to complete the index procedure. But now I am in the third week and I my battery doesn’t last. I have 0 widget in my homescreen in both device. I think iOS 14.1 was performing better in battery. It was pretty solid and I used to charge my iPhone once every 48 hours and now I charge it once every 24 hours. I have Bluetooth off and I have 3G opened and closed 4g. I wish I had the same battery as in iOS 14.1.
I have the iphone 6s. After the update of 14.2 my battery would show fully charged. Within minutes of unplugging my phone from the charger and just reading my emails the battery would drop down to 60% within minutes. I’m saying to myself did my charger not work, so I go out and purchase a new charger. I go out of town that day and I’m using the waze app trying to find my destination. My phone with my new charger is plugged into my car cigarette lighter. When I get to one of my destinations after an hour and thirty minutes I unplug my phone instead of the battery charging the battery has decreased. I’m like how strange because this is a brand new charger. All of a sudden at 30% the phone just shuts off completely. Luckily I find an old charger in my car that I’m having to continue to plug in an out to get enough charge on the phone so it would come on. I’ve had to close all the open windows on my phone thinking this would help keep the battery charged. I’m deleting old pictures, decreasing screen sizes, lowering light content trying to get my phone battery life to stay charged longer than a few minutes. I refuse to purchase a new phone because the battery want stay charged due to a flaw caused by a software update.
I had the same problem with a new iphone 7. (1 month old !!! )

I send it back to repair and all repair did was to revert to ios 14.1
my conclusion is that there IS a problem with battery drain on ios 14.2 and apple KNOWS it's a problem

as usual they do not communicate about it and that is creating a lot of distrust against their products.
I would be nice if they'd withdrawn the 14.2 update because if my phone is set to auto-update I will have the same problem again and again...

Same for me here, iPhone 7 with iOS 14.2 update. Went to bed with 100% and woke up 6 hrs later on 30%. I literally sit on couch for 2 minutes and watch it go from 30 to 24% battery. When charging my phone now it takes forever to charge and almost never gets to 100% charged anymore. Also like others I can feel how warm the phone is now even when not using it. Apple really needs to fix this issue ASAP or provide new phones for everyone experiencing this issue. So frustrating.
Since updating to 14.2, my iPhone 8 exhibited nearly every symptom described in this forum. I purchased a Mophie in the hope that would solve the issue. It did not.

My battery eventually indicated that it required “Service” per the phone’s general settings.

I have replaced the battery and will try to report on resulting performance in the coming days.
I have an iPhone 11 which updated to 14.2 and it draining the battery quick.
Same here with my 12 pro max
Since updating to the 14.2 software version my iPhone 11 has been draining battery so quickly that by 12 noon I would need to place it in low battery mode, starting from 100% battery at 7,30 am and with moderate/low usage! I have to be able to rely on my phone and he reachable at all time for work and this has been a significant problem.
When is this issue going to be addressed? Is a new version of the software coming up soon?
I am having the same problem with iPhone 6s everyone else has stated along with my iPad.
My iphone greets every morning plunging to 0% while still plugged in, after charging to 100% overnight. Then restarts. It will drain from checking email within 5 minutes. Not so glad I ordered a new battery, after reading all these comments. iPhone 6s on 14.0.1. Is anybody at Apple testing against older iPhones before iOS release?
The same thing is happening to me since the last iOS update. Has to be the update, because it started happening right after the download. No problems prior to the download.
I have the same problem to. I used iphone X and my wife also use iphone X

my battery health was 84 percent
my wife's battery health was 82 percent.

we had changed our iphone batteries to new one.

after we installed it , and update the software.

we got the same problem

every day our iphone X, drained to 10 percent by the software displayed.

after we restart it, the battery become the real data, for ex: around 80%.

after we leave it for several hours with standby, the iphone suddently error and need more restart. It happends 3 times a day.

i have to keep restart my iphone 3 times a day.

and sometimes, when i use the iphone, the mobile suddently shutdown by it selfs.

so sad about this ios 14.2.

hopely new 14.3 get better.

because i'm an apple fans.

APPLE, Please help me.
best regard.

Same problem on my iPhone 7 and wife’s SE 2016 since upgrade ios 14.2
I have an iPhone 11 Pro Max with this issue. I believe I have narrowed it down to an issue with Podcasts. Go to Settings => Battery and then scroll down to Battery usage by app. At least for me, there is an insane amount of drain from Podcasts. I see they really revamped the Podcast app as well. AND, the phone gets really hot when I listen to podcasts which I do every night. If there are some Apple folks reading this, I didn't change any of my podcast settings at all and this started right after updating to iOS 14.2. Previously, using the Podcast app hardly drained the battery at all & the phone never heated up. We need a fix soon, please! PS I am going to try adjusting from factory settings for the Podcast app. I am testing not downloading any podcasts (a terrible long term solution!) as well as turning off sync podcasts. Not sure yet if this will help. - I just adding COVID contact tracing today. So that is definitely not my issue.
I have similar problem with my iPhone 11 Pro, 100% my battery discharge to 60% when I watch 20 min video.
My iPhone 11 Pro, 100% my battery discharge to 60% when I watch 20 min video, also discharge alone for example at 7:00 a.m it full charge to 11:00am discharge to 70% average with nothing use.
We have the same problem with our iPhone SE! It started to behave very erratically after the iOS 14.2 update! It went from 100% to 3% over the period of 8 hours without ANY phone calls, text, or use of any apps! In other words, the phone drains the battery without user-initiated activities. Could there be hidden apps running in the background without the user's knowledge?

Apple Support led us on a wild goose chase without telling us that the problem was with the update itself! After several useless conversations with Apple Support, I had to download and install a fresh OS, which wiped out everything on our phone. The tech support guy at the store told us NOT to restore the backup files, which we created prior to the OS re-installation, which was what Apple Support told us to do! Even after the OS refresh, the phone still has the battery drainage issue. A diagnostic results were good: nothing failed! But Apple Support guessed "it could be hardware problem" and wanted me to send in the phone for repair. Since its warranty has expired, it would be a waste of my money!

Will Apple address the problem and fix it soon? Apple has left us with a very very bad taste in the mouth now. We're going to dump our iPhone (and all Apple products) and get an Android phone.
I really hope apple addresses the battery drain issue SOON. There is such lack of transparency and communication from apple regarding this issue. I have to keep my iPhone SE 1st Gen plugged in all day. I have turned off and stored away my 8 Plus because I just cannot bear to see how apple has made it virtually useless. Both phones were working just fine until ios 14.1, but with ios 14.2 the battery drain is shocking, it drains so rapidly. I only use my phones for calls, emails and texts. I'm not streaming or gaming. I was going to buy the airpods Pro, but now I have canceled my plans. I just bought a cheap Samsung phone that works just fine, and stays charged all day, because I had so much anxiety leaving home with my iphone and not being able to charge it when I'm away from home. Apple please allow us to at least somehow go back one step to ios 14.1
iPhone 8 running iOS 14.2 and terrible battery drain.
100% down to 85% within minutes of browsing whilst connected to my
home Wi-fi.
I would previously get near 2 days of usage out of a full charge but now I’m getting barely 10 hours.
Exact same issue since 14.2 on my partners gen 1 SE which I sent away to Apple who fitted a new battery 3 months back and had been working fine.
Updated yesterday to 14.2 - Suddenly my iPhone7 is useless. Great Job. Constant restarts no matter if unplugged or plugged. Battery shows 10% at random restart and is suddenly 98% after restart again. Rinse and repeat...
I've an iPhone 6s with similar fast battery drain issues after 14.2 as others are reporting.

The problem seems to be fixed after I recalibrated the battery percentage reading by draining the battery until it reached 0% and the phone turned itself off. I then charged phone to 100% and repeated the full battery drain. After it was then charged to 100%, battery usage percentages appear to be back to normal.
Same issue with my iPhone 6s since I upgraded to iOS 14.2. Battery drains so fast that I have to constantly recharge the phone throughout the day. 100% at 6 a.m. 28% at 8:30 a.m. and I wasn’t on my phone more than half an hour. This is ridiculous.
When is the class action lawsuit? That’s the only thing that will get Apples attention.
Battery drain in ios 14.2