nw_protocol_get_quic_image_block_invoke dlopen libquic failed

Error running IOS 14.1 from Xcode 12.1

Run same code iOS 13.7 from Xcode 11.7. no error.

What is the problem?
Same issue
same issue for me. till last week twitter firebase authentication worked well. Now I am receiving this error

nwprotocolgetquicimageblockinvoke dlopen libquic failed

When I hit login button which makes api call to twitter.

Same issue here. What is going on, please let us know!!!
exactly the same problem "nwprotocolgetquicimageblockinvoke dlopen libquic failed " when communicating to the photo via API
IOS ver 14.0
Xcode 12.1
No answer yet?
The same error on iOS 14.3 from Xcode 12.3 beta
No error on iOS 13.7 from Xcode 12.3 beta

Same here.
After updating org.cocoapods.Realm to version 10.1.3, it solves my problem.

nwprotocolgetquicimageblockinvoke dlopen libquic failed

same here when i try to connect firebase
Same issue.
[] nwprotocolgetquicimageblockinvoke dlopen libquic failed
I dont even have image url in my json

same issue here.. has anyone gone thru the stuff posted on slack? one person suggests not using DispatchQueue.global, and another says to mark vars public...
Has anyone found a resolution yet to this problem? I am having the same issues.
Check this post on Swift forum.
I have same issue, my app was working on iOS 13.7 from Xcode 11.7.
It's not working with iOS 14.x upgrade I tried all the scenarios mentioned here and other forums, so far no luck.
Looks like it's wierd new issue, I could not find more info on the issue any where.
In my case the code failed, when popuating data the tableview.
This error does not crash my app - for me it is just a warning.
(edit - It only occurs on the simulator, not a real device.)
It is coming the first time I access a particular website
The website is in the domain:
h ttps://sites.google.com/site...
It does not come the second time I access that website.
It does not come when I access different websites.

Access is through:

Code Block
NSURLSession *theConnection=[NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:
[NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration]
delegate:self delegateQueue:nil];
        NSMutableURLRequest *theRequest=
[[NSMutableURLRequest alloc]
initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString: --- website here ---- ]];
NSURLSessionDataTask *task= [theConnection dataTaskWithRequest:theRequest];
[task resume];

The error comes 0.1 seconds after [task resume] and
0.1 seconds before a resultant call to
URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveData: )
I also faced this issue on Xcode 12.1 and iOS 14.1 Simulator.
In my case, I used struct for Value Object and declare attributes with var. I fixed by using class instead of struct and change attributes declaration to public var. This works for me.
Has anyone find a solution this error yet?

I am using Alamofire...and not sure I can use some suggestions
like using URLsession.dataTask since this implementation has been abstracted away.

I have also tried allowing my model variables public but no good outcome yet.

I am trying to do multipartFormData upload of image and song to an API,
so I'll be glad if anyone has a guide on this.
same problem when I hit signup button to signup users from firebase I get this error nwprotocolgetquicimageblockinvoke dlopen libquic failed
Solution is to adopt that specific delegate you're using in your class.
Like in below example:
class "Your"ViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate

And don't forget to set your current class as the delegate, like below (for my own case):
IBOutlet weak var searchTextField: UITextField!
searchTextField.delegate = self
Same Here

I also got same message nwprotocolgetquicimageblockinvoke dlopen libquic failed after updating to Big Sur and Xcode 12.3
Same here :(
I kept receiving this error while attempting to link devices in simulator using Multipeer Connectivity, MCSession, MCNearbyServiceBrowser, and MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser. I fixed it by setting the delegates for each of those three variables to self immediately after changing them to their final state instead of all in viewDidLoad(). Hope this helps someone!
I had the same situation when I was uploading images via url. I executed the logic in the function and made it private. Then I called the function into vievDidLoad. But when I removed the private mark, there was no more error. Maybe someone will help.
I have encountered the same issue on my emulator. I have not tried it on my physical device.

If some one has any answer that would be appreciated.
nw_protocol_get_quic_image_block_invoke dlopen libquic failed