Function: handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEAppProxyFlow)
Hello, I've set up an macOS application containing a system extension which now receives all DNS requests. This is all good and what I want to happen. However, I'm not sure how to proceed with actually handling the NEAppProxyFlow.
If someone could provide some example code that would handle the DNS requests in the same way in the case that I did not have my DNS requests go through NEDNSProxyProvider that would be wonderful.
Please feel free to ask for clarification if needed. Thank you!
Setup the NENetworkRule's and set them as includedNetworkRules to NETransparentProxyNetworkSettings to capture your DNS flows. Then once the provider is receiving new flows in handleNewFlow, you must decide if these are flows you want to proxy. This is something you need to do. Once you have done that use the rules I have provided for you on this thread.How specific can I get with the configuration? For example, can I only handle flows which are DNS requests that contain certain hostnames?
Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS