Error Response Handler For Siri Custom intent.

I am implementing custom intent using sirikit but been stuck with error response handling in intentdefintion file . As we would like to implement to show a custom response or view without mentioning something went wrong while there is failure response . As currently its showing something went wrong with custom response but we want something went wrong to be eliminated only custom view or custom text to be shown. can u please let us know if there is a way to implement it ?. Please have look for the image i have upload for reference
Code Block public class ViewMyApprovalsIntentHandler: NSObject, ViewMyApprovalsIntentHandling {
  public func confirm(intent: ViewMyApprovalsIntent, completion: @escaping (ViewMyApprovalsIntentResponse) -> Void) {
    os_log("TK421: %{public}s", "\(#function)")
    completion(ViewMyApprovalsIntentResponse(code: .ready, userActivity: nil))
  public func handle(intent: ViewMyApprovalsIntent, completion: @escaping (ViewMyApprovalsIntentResponse) -> Void) {

image Link for reference{: [.log-attachment}]

Error Response Handler For Siri Custom intent.