userNotificationCenter didReceive response returns an empty notification (watchOS)

I am trying to retrieve the original notification content from [userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:withCompletionHandler:)] in watchOS. If the user pushes the notification the response object is complete and contains the notification. If the user presses the UNNotificationAction of the notification then the notification is nil.
I have created a sample project SampleNotification project to reproduce the issue (see on how to reproduce). Moreover, I am confirming that this pattern is not observed in iOS.

PS: I am using XCode 12.0.1 and WatchOS7.0

Could you show both codes, the one that works and the one that doesn't, saving the effort to download the project at first. May be there is an obvious answer looking at this.
To reproduce, in PushNotificationPayload.apns your category should be test_category, same as the identifier of your UNNotificationCategory in NotificationProcessor.swift, but the notification is indeed nil when userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:withCompletionHandler:) is called.

I have the same issue in my project since watchOS 7 betas and till now, with watchOS 7.1 beta 3 and Xcode 12.2 beta 3.

One observation I have: if I tap on notification itself and not on UNNotificationAction, then response.notification is not nil.
Everything was fine on watchOS 6.x.
If it's not a bug, how can this be fixed?
@jiko @andriis were you able to fix this issues? I am facing a similar problem
@jiko were you able to fix this? I am facing the same problem. If the user presses the action on notification the _didRecieve delegate method gets called on the watch extension. But, the notification object is nil.
Still getting the same issue in watchOS 7.x
It was working fine in watchOS 6.x but now i am getting this issue

Test Case
If I tap on notification itself and not on UNNotificationAction, then response.notification is not nil but when i click on the UNNotificaionAction the response is nill what should i do??
userNotificationCenter didReceive response returns an empty notification (watchOS)